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What are the Best At-Home Glute Exercises without Weights?

Beyond Biomechanics

Do you want to build a strong, sculpted backside from the comfort of home? Of course you do! But lugging weights around the gym can get old fast. 

The good news is you can still torch your glutes with simple bodyweight moves.

In this post, I'll share my top 10 favorite booty exercises to do anytime without weights.

I'll provide tips to maximize your results along with details on proper form. 

1. Squats

Squats are the gold standard for working your entire lower body, glutes included. Here's how to do them properly:

  • Stand tall with feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out.

  • Send hips back and bend knees to lower down like sitting in a chair.

  • Descend until thighs are parallel or just below parallel to the floor.

  • Press strongly through heels to drive back up to standing.

  • Squeeze glutes hard at the top!

  • Do 3 sets of 12 reps with perfect form.

Focus on keeping your chest lifted and core braced so you don't hunch over. This compound exercise rocks your glutes, quads, and hamstrings.

2. Reverse Leg Lift

Want to isolate your glutes? The reverse leg lift is your new bestie. Here's how it works:

  • Get on your hands and knees with a flat back. Engage your core muscles.

  • Keeping your leg straight, lift it directly behind you until hip is fully extended.

  • Squeeze your glute hard at the top!

  • Hold 2 seconds before lowering with control.

  • Do 12 reps on each side with perfect form.

The key is keeping your hips square to the floor. Really focus on flexing the glute to lift that leg up! This targets the maximus.

3. Curtsy Squat

Curtsy squats combine a regular squat with a unilateral twist. Fun, right? Try them out:

  • Stand tall with feet hip-width apart.

  • Take a big step backward with one leg, crossing it behind your other leg.

  • Push hips back and bend both knees to lower down into the "curtsy."

  • Drive back up to standing, squeezing the front glute.

  • Do 12 controlled reps on each side.

Play with your foot positioning to change the emphasis here. This exercise rocks the gluteus medius for better hip stability.

4. Glute Bridge

Glute bridges are amazing for targeting your backside with low back support. Here's how to do them:

  • Lie faceup with knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Engage those core muscles.

  • Press through heels, squeeze glutes, and lift hips up into a straight bridge position.

  • Hold briefly, then lower hips with control just above the floor.

  • Do 3 sets of 12 reps, squeezing hard at the top each time.

Focus on keeping your pelvis in a neutral position without over-arching your back. This simple move torches your glutes and hamstrings together.

5. Clamshell

Want to target those stubborn outer glutes and hips? Clamshells to the rescue!

  • Lie on your side with knees together bent at 90 degrees. Heels should be touching.

  • Keeping feet together, raise your top knee up and out to the side. Really squeeze that glute!

  • Slowly lower back down with control.

  • Do 10 reps on each side.

This isolation exercise rocks the gluteus medius muscle responsible for hip abduction.

6. Donkey Kick

This aptly named exercise will make your booty burn! Here's how:

  • Get on all fours with hands under shoulders, knees under hips.

  • Keeping one knee bent at 90 degrees, lift it straight up behind you until parallel to hip.

  • Contract the glute hard to lift leg as high as possible. Avoid arching lower back.

  • Do 15-20 reps on each side.

Take this simple move up a notch by adding a resistance band around your thighs. Sizzle those glutes!

7. Hip Thrust

Hip thrusts let you leverage your bodyweight for serious glute activation. Do them right:

  • Sit on the floor with upper back against a bench or chair. Feet are hip-width on floor.

  • Drive through heels, squeeze glutes, and lift hips up into a straight bridge.

  • Lower back down with control just above the floor.

  • Do 15-20 reps, squeezing hard at the top each time.

Keep your shoulders and neck relaxed throughout. This exercise isolates the gluteus maximus like none other!

8. Side Skater

This plyometric exercise combines cardio and glute toning for a killer combo. Here we go:

  • Start with feet together in an athletic stance. Shift your weight onto one leg.

  • Explosively jump laterally, landing lightly on the ball of your opposite foot.

  • Immediately repeat to the other side.

  • Do 15-20 controlled reps on each side.

The power needed to jump side-to-side engages your glutes and quads at once. Have fun with it!

9. Marching Hip Lift

Take your hip lifts up a notch with this challenging variation:

  • Lie faceup with bent knees, feet on floor. Engage those core muscles.

  • Squeeze glutes and lift hips up into a bridge, raising one foot a few inches.

  • Slowly lower that foot, then repeat on the opposite side in a marching motion.

  • Do 15-20 reps on each side.

This nonstop move targets all your glute muscles at once. Make it harder by adding small hops between alternating legs!

10. Single-Leg Deadlift

Let's finish off with an advanced exercise that requires balance and coordination:

  • Stand tall holding arms straight out in front of you. Shift your weight onto one leg.

  • Keeping a flat back, hinge at your hips to lower your torso down towards the floor.

  • Squeeze the glute to drive back up to the start position.

  • Do 10-12 controlled reps on each side.

The single-leg variation forces your glutes to work overtime. Focus on stability throughout the movement.

Let Us Help!

Done right, these bodyweight exercises can transform your backside better than any gym machine. We hope this gave you some great ideas to kick your at-home booty workouts up a notch. 

At Beyond Biomechanics, we're obsessed with helping you move and feel your best through science-based fitness and nutrition coaching. 

Curious to learn more? Reach out anytime to schedule your intro session! 




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Herndon, VA 20171 









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